Cloudquintet Dream Journal

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Welcome to my dream journal! I don't dream every night, and sometimes they aren't super interesting, but I am hoping writing my dreams down will help me remember them longer than "immediately after I wake up" and get me to dream more often.
Dates are in MM/DD/YY format. Dreams are written down when I remember to :)


A new trend spread all across social media overnight (though I saw it mostly on twitter and tiktok) that involved cleaning your bathroom until it was completely pristine, and then taking pictures + videos of yourself flushing random things down the toilet drain. These videos typically involved flushing featureless cube-shaped objects and were captioned with "for pride, for glory" in Latin. Most of the pictures and videos uploaded were out of focus or had so much motion blur that it was hard to tell what was going on.


Relatively mundane dream about going about my daily life, really needed to buy an air conditioner, but most were too expensive or didn't fit in my window. Found a duck-shaped air conditioner + space heater combo for cheap, but passed on it because I could only use it in January?


Do not remember very much, only remember the ending. I was in a rustic room made mostly of wood and laid out like a courtroom, lots of intricate carvings on the walls. Me and an old man (bald, white, with a beard, kind of like santa?) were sitting on a wooden bench along one of the walls of the room, waiting for something to happen. We were talking like we had been close friends for a long time. I was filling him in one some made-up dream drama when he said something that I don't remember - but it caused me to snap awake at 4am, like I had woken up from a nightmare.

When I went to sleep last night I had meant for it to be a power nap, but when I checked my phone I had overslept my ideal wake up time by ~2 hours and slept through about 11 or 12 alarms. I think this old man saved my life, whatever it is he said to me


I was borrowing my friend's car. I had just gone to run some errands to try to avoid bad weather - as I started the car and started going home, the weather turned, changing from a drizzle to a downpour. While driving down a neighborhood road, another car came flying out of nowhere and clipped my friend's car along the driver's side door with a sickening crunch sound. The car drove off before I could see the plate number, and I wanted to avoid the worst of the storm more than anything else, so I kept driving.

When I got to my house, for some reason, I had to park on a steep downwards slope, but the car was stuck in drive and I couldn't pull up the emergency break. I looked over to the passenger's side of the car and suddenly there was a gaping hole where the passenger's and backseat doors should have been, I was missing two tires, and it was pouring rain all over the car's leather seats. It was raining so hard I could barely see.


Dyed my hair hot pink permanently in someone's ratty concrete basement in secret... there was someone upstairs that I REALLY didn't want to know I was giving myself pink hair forever, so I had to do it as quietly as possible. It didn't end up looking how I expected it to - it looked like someone put a hot pink overlay over my natural hair color, instead of looking "normal".


I took a trip to Ocean City, Maryland, because I was bored. The landscape was much more similar to Chincoteague/Assateague Island, but with a small boardwalk instead of camping areas. It was also perpetually just after sunset, I walked around exploring the town for hours looking at the houses painted typical beachy colors and the sky stayed a pretty pinkish color.

One of the houses I went into had been converted into a upscale thrift store/consignment store styled to look like some sort of magical wizard chamber, I found a cropped grey jacket with pink accent stripes and a very large green stain on one of the arms, I decided to buy it. Next, I went to a family-owned burger place. The cashier was the bar manager from one of my old jobs, he seemed much happier doing burgers.

The last store I looked at was a 50s style smoothie place where my 5th grade science teacher was working. It also sold spaghetti, and my science teacher was absolutely fucking up every single order. It took him at least 7 tries to get my spaghetti order right. I leaned over to my little brother, who was also there, and I told him I was going to drown my spaghetti in cheese so I don't have to taste it. My science teacher heard me and told me he's going to make my order worse on purpose.


Don't remember most of the dream. I do remember that I was about to fistfight a guy who was an english major. He was telling me that he wants to become a sports commentator, that it's a really important job, that he has no patience for people that assume that it's a really easy job etc etc etc. I don't remember who won, but I remember going back home after fighting, googling "sports commentator" and finding out there were only 20 in the world. I thought something like "he'll never make it", felt much better, and went back to whatever I was doing.


Kept losing the plot in my dream, but it definitely took place in Cork, Ireland. Near the end of the dream, I narrowly avoided getting into a fistfight in a classroom (in the classrooms around the Quadrangle at UCC specifically?). Two students were gently encouraging each other about something, but I realized that I had forgotten something so I stood up, and they had such an issue with this/interpreted this as so rude that they had to beat the shit out of me for some reason. They followed me out of the classroom and kept trying to push me to to the floor with a lot of force, but it was getting dark and I had to go home, so I kept walking away.

I followed this bike path to a convenience store crossed with a gym. They were advertizing a new style of gym where you could play Minecraft on all of the machines for hours to distract you from how much you were working out. They advertized that most of their customers were able to lose a lot of weight/gain a lot of muscle this way. I bought a month long membership for $19 and immediately woke up.


I was driving my car/trying to park it when I heard a very loud scraping sound - I was afraid I hit a nearby wall along my blind spot. I got out to look at the damage and I had perfectly scratched the car on top of a pre-existing scratch, so everything was OK in the end (this scratch only exists in my dream).


I got a pet spider and I let it live in my backpack. After a lot of time had passed, I looked inside my bag and the spider had transformed it into an endless wasteland. The ground looked like it was covered in snow, but it was just lots of webs overlapping. I went inside the backpack and I started wandering around the terrain.

The environment was so pretty. There were some "lights" on the ground that looked like that thing that spiders do where they wrap up their prey in their webs, glowing orange like streetlamps. Everything kind of looked like this and had a snowy feel to it, but without any trees, and finding anything at all in the wasteland was rare. It was all spider webs and orange lights and it went on forever. You could walk for miles and never see another person. I did end up stumbling upon a billboard with a friend's face on it, advertizing something totally nondescript.